Grupo Piñero honors World Tourism Day

On the occasion of World Tourism Day, promoted by the United Nations General Assembly and dedicated in 2018 to the sector's digital transformation, Grupo Piñero announces its participation in the United Nations Global Compact campaign “Standing Together for Responsible and Sustainable Tourism.” The campaign's main objective is to disseminate the importance of responsible tourism, based on the conviction that the tourism sector must play a key role in achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
A signatory of the United Nations Global Compact since 2017 and member of its working group on tourism in Spain, Grupo Piñero will base its campaign support on the dissemination of the benefits of responsible tourism among its clients and its more than 14,700 employees, via the #yosoyviajeroresponsable and #turismoyODS hashtags.
For Antonia del Toro, Grupo Piñero's Corporate Social Responsibility Director, “the promotion of sustainable attitudes during our travels is a way to contribute to socioeconomic progress and to the environmental conservation of the destinations and of the planet overall.” Del Toro added that “our support for this campaign is a follow-through on the steadfast commitment to sustainability Grupo Piñero pledged in 2015, which led us to incorporate our contribution to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals into our business plan in 2017.”