Grupo Piñero joins the UN Global Compact Spanish Network's campaign
On the occasion of tomorrow's celebration of World Tourism Day, promoted by the General Assembly of the United Nations and dedicated in 2019 to tourism and employment under the slogan “Tourism and Employment: a Better Future for All”, Grupo Piñero has announced some of the initiatives deployed in recent months, aimed at improving the training and promoting the welfare of its employees, and has announced its renewed adhesion to the #Itravelinaresponsibleway campaign of the Spanish Global Compact Network.
So far this year, and faithful to its firm commitment to socio-economic progress and the well-being of its more than 15,000 employees, the company has continued its vocation to ensure quality of life at work through its 'Healthy Company' programme. In 2018, €1.33 million was invested in workplace improvements under the dual premise of making them safe and healthy. With this initiative, Grupo Piñero is also contributing to SDG no. 3 (‘Good Health and Well-being'’). In parallel, it has also provided 144,112 hours of training to its teams, which in turn contributed to SDG 4 ('Quality Education').
Grupo Piñero is contributing to 10 of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
In the last year, as part of its sustainability commitment, Grupo Piñero has actively contributed to 10 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations in order to achieve its 2030 Agenda. In addition to its contributions to SDGs 3 and 4, the company is actively working on SDG no. 1 ('No Poverty'), for example through its contribution of €248,000 over 2018 to various causes and social initiatives.
With regard to the environment, Grupo Piñero also makes a significant contribution to SDG no. 13 ('Climate Action') through its 2018-2022 Strategic Energy Efficiency Plan, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions - for example, by improving its hotel facilities - and which has already enabled it to reduce the carbon footprint emitted by each stay by 4% and to stop emitting 3,230 tonnes of CO2 per year. In addition, the company remains committed to sustainable mobility, and 100% of the golf carts on its golf courses and almost 90% of those used for transport within its hotels are electric.
In addition, through the Eco-Bahia Foundation, which operates in Mexico, it contributes to SDG 14 ('Life Below Water'), through the conservation of marine resources, especially in the protection of sea turtles; SDG 15 ('Life on Land'), through forest conservation projects and awareness-raising of clients, employees and local population; and SDG 17 ('Partnerships for the Goals'), through which it has entered into partnerships with other organisations such as the Whale Museum in Samaná.
#Itravelinaresponsibleway: the sustainability of destinations is everyone's job
Grupo Piñero also celebrated World Tourism Day this year by joining the campaign of the Spanish Global Compact Network (#Itravelinaresponsibleway), whose aim is to raise awareness among travellers and employees in the sector so that they can co-operate towards more responsible tourism and actively contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in its 2030 Agenda.
To celebrate this day, a series of slogans have been defined so that employees and customers can upload photos with them to social networks and demonstrate that they take actions when they travel to contribute to leaving a better world behind them, or that they act responsibly in their travels. Some examples of this initiative include 'I recycle', 'I respect and value the culture and traditions of the destinations', 'I enjoy trying local cuisine' or 'I book in hotels that take care of the environment and for people'.
These slogans are in line with Grupo Piñero's good practice strategy, which for example makes available to customers in its hotel division, Bahia Principe Hotels & Resorts, recycling bins, supports for raising awareness in the reuse of towels or the responsible consumption of water and energy, or craft markets to boost local economies.